protein pancake from Justin Libo

A protein-rich pancake recipe from Justin that you can apply in your sports nutrition schedule.

10 minutes preparation

kCal 520 g Protein 35 g Fat 19 g Carbs 54 g


1 portion

1 Egg ~ 56g 60 ml Milk (half skimmed) 1 scope whey powder ~30 g 20 g Wheat flour 1 tablespoon Butter ~20 g 40 g Honey ½ teaspoon Baking powder ~ 2,5 g

Mix everything together, except the honey and butter. Beat it up so that it looks fluffy. Toss the butter in the pan until and toss the mix into the browned butter so that it is nicely browned on both sides of the pancake.

You can use the honey as a delicacy for the pancake.

Tip: You can also put delicious strawberries on it with some extras like Justin does. Have a look at what: