Justin's Schedule on Chaturbate and/or Stripchat

Bodybuilder Justin Libo on Chaturbate and Stripchat

Day 1: Upper Body Strength Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
1. Weighted Wide Grip Pull Ups 2-3 4-6
2. Bent Over Barbell Row 4-5 4-6
3. Narrow Grip T-Bar Row 2-3 4-6
4. Standing Overhead Barbell Press 4-5 4-6
5. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 4-5 4-6
6. Weighted Dips 2-3 4-6
7. EZ Bar Skullcrusher 2-3 4-6
8. EZ Bar Bicep Curls 2-3 4-6
9. Cum with goal! 1 1

Rest periods: 120-180 seconds between sets.

Day 2: Lower Body Strength Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
1. Squats 4-5 4-6
2. Hack Squats 2-3 4-6
3. Deadlifts 4-5 4-6
4. Lying Leg Curls 2-3 4-6
5. Standing Calf Raise 4-5 4-6
6. Seated Calf Raise 2-3 4-6
7. Cum with goal! 1 1

Rest periods: 120-180 seconds between sets.

Day 3: Back/Shoulders Size Workout

Exercise Sets Reps
1a. Wide Grip Pull Down 4-5 8-12
1b. Narrow Grip Pull Down 4-5 8-12
2. Chest Supported Machine Row 4-5 8-12
3. Narrow Grip Low Pulley Cable Row 2-3 8-12
4a. Straight Arm Rope Pull Down 2-3 8-12
4b. Lower Back Hyperextensions 2-3 8-12
5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press 4-5 8-12
6. Standing Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise 2-3 8-12
7. Standing EZ Bar Front Raise 2-3 8-12
8. Dumbbell Rear Delt Lateral Raise 2-3 8-12
9a. Cable EZ Bar Upright Row 2-3 8-12
9b. Rope Face Pull 2-3 8-12
10. Cum with goal! 1 1